Код:Барски стол KIAN GREY- BLACK 029-000149
* Single back and seat, made of reinforced frame and covered with high quality and durable fabric, offered in gray color.
* Back design follows the spine, supporting the waist.
* The support is carried out in a reinforced metal frame in black color
* It has a special footrest to support the legs.
* The ends of the support legs have plastic covers to protect the floor from unwanted damage.
Product Dimension:
Length: 45 cm.
Width: 42 cm.
Height: 109 cm.
Seat depth: 41 cm
Back height: 37 cm
Seat height: 76cm
Pedestal height: 28cm
The product is delivered unassembled, in factory packaging and with a detailed assembly guide.
The color shade of the product may differ slightly from its photographic representation on your screen.
Димензии на пакувањето: 70x55x48
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